CONCURSUL DE IMAGINE organizat sub patronajul FEDERATIEI EUROPENE PENTRU ARHITECTURA PEISAJULUI (EFLA) si-a desemnat castigatorul pentru editia din 2011 in persoana Silviei Banyoi (TM/RO) - membru junior al Asociatiei Peisagistilor din Romania - AsoP. Felicitari !
"Photography is an art, a way of living.
It is about immortalizing a moment, a feeling.
It is about capturing the essence of a moment with all the feelings it comes,
it is that second that runs in the past and you have to catch it.
Bastion is about catching a moment of history in its contemporarity.
It is about evoquing old perfume with new essence,
it is about past memories in new colours...this is what Bastion represents."
Silvia Banyoi
Imaginea castigatoare va putea fi vizualizata timp de 3 saptamani pe pagina oficiala de internet a EFLA.
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